Have you been visiting web sites that have the +1 logo — and wonder what that is all about? The below link explains some of it.
Fact is that Google is going to own the Internet. I’m not a fan of their politics — but I can’t ignore the facts. On Friday their Stock price rose $75 per share in one day after they released their 2 quarter earnings. Trust me — you will be assimilated, do not resist
- They have the best and most used search engine
- They now own You Tube
- All web masters use their Web Master Tools
- They now own the biggest email program with Gmail
- They own Picasa — while will dominate all free photo hosting
- They’re big into the cloud — and have an area (Documents) to host all of your computer’s files — so that any computer anywhere is now your computer
- They have a popular on-line calendar which is making Outlook obsolete, so many years after Outlook made Sidekick obsolete
- It has the strongest on-line contacts manager that interface with all smart phones
- Their browser has a chance of becoming the next big deal
- They own the on-line banner advertising market
- Now they’ve decided to take on Facebook, and do to them what Facebook did to MySpace. Google X (currently by invitation only while in Beta) looks like it will be the Facebook killer. While I’m sure Facebook will incorporated the Circle of Rings feature — Google will ultimately crush them.
In a nutshell — they have become the next Microsoft. Their stock price has gone from $300 a share to $600 a share in the last year. Price targets say it will hit $800 by the end of the year.
One of the reasons that Google will own the internet — is that all of the things describes above, and a whole lot more, is consolidated into one log in and one big personally customizable (Google X will handle that) portal with integrated email, social networking, photos, videos,….. Sure Yahoo tried to do this — but Google has succeeded.
So what does all of this have to do with the +1 button you are beginning to see everywhere? Well if you have a Google account (for Gmail, picasa, web master tools, adaware…. which are the same log in) — then if you click the +1 icon it will get associated with your +1 page, which is now on Google X — but will also soon be linkable elsewhere. You can have that page as Private as your personal links area for shortcuts to your favorite site on any computer, or have it public to let other know of your favorite sites. Actually you can do a combination of both. It also is a brownie point for that site — and when enough are collected, it will affect positioning in searches.
So If you have a Google account for Gmail (or anything else) and you see the +1 icon on a site you like — just click it and you will bookmark it for yourself on your on-line +1 page, and you’ll help the site attract more visitors.