Year: 2012
Its a Miracle!
Crippled man leaving welfare office is almost hit by a yellow Ford. Please join me in requesting that the Ford be canonized as a healing
My Favorite News Story From Last Week
71-year-old man had a surprise for a couple of brothers robbing an Internet Cafe in Ocala, Florida.
Welcome to Walmart Airlines
You better buckle up as it is going to be a strange trip! The main reason I won’t fly coach is because I generally get
Obama and ACORN
Acorn Whistle Blower Two must see videos to see what we're up against.
Sponsor Report For Joliet, IL
NMCA/NMRA Super Bowl in Joliet, Il. Sponsor Report by: Dave Schultz July 16, 2012 To refresh your memory, we'd blown the new motor in
We’re From the Government — and here to help you!
Build it — and they will come and try to make your life as a businessman miserable.
Obama For Ex-President
You have reached the Chairman Obama Gift Shop — Swag center for Please take a few moments to browse our gift shop. This Month's