The chassis was built by Jeffers, and the car was setup to run in True Street, where it would go on a 30-mile trip and then the NOS would be turned on for 3 8-second passes without touching engine.
I bought the car over ten years ago for my son to run. He made a couple low 11-second soft hits on motor only, and then we took it back to shop to tear down and restore. Click and hold photos in gallery, and the select Open to see large version.
After putting $75K into the car, plans changed – and the car was put into a bubble for next ten years.

Last month, the car was taken out of the bubble, filled with fluids, cranked up, tuned up, and driven a coupleof miles. I actually video’d the drive, but the video somehow got corrupted and plays in slow motion only. Below are photos I took on my phone last week. They don’t do the car justice!
I’m now in reduction mode, if if doesn’t give me joy, I’m selling it. I’m selling this car for half what it’s worth and 1/3 what it would cost you to build from scratch.
$35,000 firm Beasley, Texas
email me at DaveTheOldHippie @ if you’re interested. The are only a few things I might consider bartering for. Click here for the list.