as seen at
No, no motor yet. Still waiting on the rotating to get delivered to the Machine Shop. However, some progress was made to prepare for the engine’s insertion.

Still to come
- Transmission and torque converter have been freshened and waiting for the engine to get assembled.
- New braided fuel line and 00 battery cable has been run to front, and will get connected to it’s under-hood components.
- Rear bumper ready to be installed.
- Cage painted red
- Red Leather/Vinyl dye and adhesion promoter ordered, and will be applied over the previously beige/gray seats. After a top coat they’ll get installed.
- New belts will be ordered closer to go time.
- Engine should be ready to go in this time next month.
- The front body parts installed
- The car cleaned up and off to get the cage installed.
Stay tuned to this site for further updates.