I no longer have the time to maintain this site the way it deserves
This sale could include any or all of the following options:
- The domain name
- The perpetual Vbulletin License
- The existing membership of the forum
- A year of premium web hosting on a fast and secure server, including automatic backing up site each night and retaining multiple copies of backups
- All of the old forum posts, or start off with a clean sheet with a fresh install of VB (suggested)
- eMail notification to all of the members of the new ownership and your message to them
- Upgrading to most current version of Vbulletin (or fresh Install)
- Changing look & Feel, colors and graphics to your design specs
- Changing the forum structure to your plan
- Installation and integration of a banner serving application that allows you to generate sponsor revenue through “pay per view” or “pay per click” rotation banners, with different priority serving and full reporting to administrator and/or sponsor
- Installation and/or setup of a Word Press as a front door to the forum with or without graphics work EXAMPLE
- Installation and setup of a Classified Ad web site which can be linked with Front Door and Forum Sites EXAMPLE
- Installation and setup of a photo album application where members can each have access to upload event photos into its sub album EXAMPLE
- Installation and setup of a wiki. Example
- A set number of hours for setup and configuration, or per hour help
- A set number of support phone calls and per call (if needed) thereafter
- Act as your Hosting Administrator or not
- Act as your Forum Administrator or not
- You tell me what else you want
So who would this be a great opportunity for?
- Anyone who loves Nostalgia Super Stock Racing and wants to bring all of the splintered organizations together in one place
- Any vendor with a product or service used by NSS Racers, wanting the Goodwill and audience that a site like this could bring them if properly ran. Admittedly, I didn’t run well.
- A NSS Racing club or organization, or collection of organizations wanting to become more dominant in the class
- An organization wanting to standardize the class
- An organization wanting to block any other organization from becoming dominant
- An entrepreneur willing to dedicate the time required to build the site into the One-Stop place to go for all things NSS and aggressively market “Pay for View” or “Pay for Click” banners
- Any Combination of the above
- ???
The price is really based on how much of my time you need. Outside of the Vbulletin application, other applications are free public license – but take a little time to install and set up to your specs. They also require more server space. If you’re a computer and graphics whiz who requires no help with set-up and maintaining ( or know that guy) – then you’d only be buying the domain name, VB license, installation of other apps (if wanted) and hosting – but not my labor. Don’t want hosting as you’ll transfer to another host. Even less!
If you are interested, email me at DaveTheOldHippie @ Gmail.com with what it is you’re interested in, and I’ll shoot you back a price.