Old Hippie’s Social Network for Men
No Drama! Cars, Motorcycles, Babes, Racing, Sports, Guns and Other Man Shit.

This is a brand new Social Network created for Men. You won’t see pictures of cats, have coded posts begging for you to ask what is wrong, you won’t see questions on the best place to get your nails done, or complaints of migraines.
We are men! We burp, fart, scratch our balls, make crude comments and act like Men. We want a social network without Drama Queens.
Nor do we have a team of butthurt Snowflakes over-reacting to chickenshit and banning people over “Uber-Liberal Community Standards”. We don’t care about your politics, and won’t suspend you just because we don’t agree with you. Get on your soapbox and preach away. If we don’t want to see your posts, we won’t friend you.
This site is set up much like Facebook. There’s a marketplace to sell your general stuff, and there are Buy/Sell groups that are more specific. There are groups for cars, sports teams, local communities, regions, guns, and just about anything else men like to talk about. If there isn’t a group – feel free to create it. Join Groups to get their posts in your Newsfeed.
There are pages for business. Have a business you want to pimp, create it. Like them to get their posts in your Newsfeed.
Like Facebook, you friend people to get their posts in your newsfeed.
The software running this site has a ton of features, but the Old Hippie has. only started off with about 50% to start, and will enable more as time goes on. You can currently use this site on your smart phone by going to www.oldhippie.com – and the software running the site will sense your smart phone and adapt to it. Thst said, there is a stand alone Smart Phone app in the works.
While you can choose any unused Username you desire, but we ask that you display your real name so friends can find you with a search. Speaking of friends, please invite your friends to register and participate. This site doesn’t aspire to be a huge Facebook, they’ve become a huge Rat’s Nest selling your information, and they can have all of that. So all of that said, jump in, register, join groups, make friends, and post away. That’s what the site was created for.