It isn’t about technology or Guns, its about our right to overthrow our government if it becomes tyrannical.
Year: 2019
Exhibition at Maple Grove
In Reading, PA
Facebook Prison Group
A place where Conservatives and Libertarians can meet while in Facebook Prison for violating the Facebook Gestapo Community Standards
Stay Out of Texas
We’re having big problems with Liberals running away from the mess they created coming here to recreate it.
Utah should be ashamed of themselves for electing this asshat
21 People Are Running For President
But only one who is against killing babies. Which will you vote for?
I Play The Fool Often
Around Habitual Bullshitters
I just realized
That Saturday mornings are to blame for my love of Redheads and Bondage
Michelle Obama
Now that Barrack H. Obama is no longer President.
If Epstein Had Dirt on Trump
They have had 24/7 guards in the cell with a doctor and and sniper.
Bill Clinton & Joe Biden to Campaign Together
The “Fondling Fathers Tour”
Do You Remember Ruby Ridge?
A tyrannical government will kill those in the way.
Definition of Stupid
Knowing the truth, seeing the truth but believing the lies.
Child Safety
Now vs. when I was a kid
Trump is a Racist
Just ask any Liberal