This scooter is part of a 12 Scooter collection I bought in Illinois – and without a motor. It is known to me as Eagle #5. This article is Phase 1 of building it.

A quick disassembly

Blasted with crushed glass and then given first coat of deep scratch grey primer – as the frame was pretty pitted.

Then a wet coat of heavy build sandable black primer.

Then the third coat with deep scratch grey, and finally the fourth coat of high build black.

There was a small hole on one of the tubes on the frame, which I filled with JB Weld.

Next step is to grind and sand the JB Weld to shape and hit with primer. After the primer has had a week to dry hard, I’ll wet sand the thick coatings of primer with 400 grit sand paper and hopefully it will be as smooth as new tubes – with all pits fill in. If so, I’ll hit with a couple coats of gloss black, and a couple of coats of clear. If I need another coat of primer to make perfect, I’ll do it.
After the frame is done, I’ll focus my attention on the sheet metal.
The plan is to put a stupid fast electric start horizontal V-Twin and Comet Clutch in the frame. I plan to paint the sheet metal and wheels the same turquoise that I painted the interior of my Petty Tribute car.

I’ll recover the seat in Black leather, although I might figure out a way to do a King/Queen seat with a sissy bar. I’ll have gloss black Ape Hanger Handlebars and a short wheelie bar. The plan is to use it as one of my pit bikes – while offering for sale as I build others.
If you’re interested in Cushmans: