Old Hippie’s Grilled Meatloaf Recipe
Fire up the grill to where it should maintain between 450-500 degrees
In a big mixing bowl combine the following
2-2.5 pounds 97/3% Ground Beef
5 Corn tortillas toasted until they’re chips – crumbled
1/2 Large Bermuda/Purple Onion – chopped
2 Heaping TBS of Minced Garlic
2 Large Eggs or three medium
4 Red and/or Orange Sweet Peppers – minced
2 Heaping TBS of Cajun Blackening Spices (I like Chef Paul’s on almost everything)
1/2 cup of a 50/50% mixture of shredded Mozzarella and Cheddar
Mix and knead completely to where it is no doubt it is 100% blended together
Mold into a small loaf, which is about 3/4 shorter than the shape of a small loaf of bread. Get a disposable aluminum foil half cookie sheet, or a loaf pan if you prefer. Punch a couple small holes or slits in the bottom for what very little grease (from your extra lean 97/3% mix) can drain.
Cook on the top rack of the grill at 450-500 for 30 minutes. It should by then have developed a darker crust. Squirt or pour about 1/2 cup of ketchup (Or your Favorite thick BBQ Sauce if you prefer) on top and let it ooze down the sides a little while you cook for another 10 minutes to turn it into a frosting. Keep lid closed on grill and turn off burners so it let it warm another 10 minutes.
Removed from grill and let it rest on a cutting board for another 10 minutes, and then cut into 8-10 relatively thick slices.
The wrapped leftovers also taste great the next day for lunch either cold – or zapped for 30 seconds.
Share this recipe and let your friends in on the secret. My wife and kids love this meatloaf recipe best. Firm but moist. Hee hee – I said moist!