So is Dr. Pepper

Last night I was driving home (to Texas) from where I bought a new car (in Indiana). Since I never miss Tucker Carlson – I switched on my Sirus to Fox News at 7PM. As a side note, I use to average 5-6 hours a day of Fox News – but since the election I only watch Tucker and Hannity. The rest of them can kiss my hairy white ass – especially Chris Wallace and Brett Bair – but I digress.
Anyway, one of the segments was about how those crazy Twats on the View all said they’d like to see Dr. Jill Biden as Surgeon General. The gist of the segment was that her doctorate was in Education, and pretty much worthless – as she’s never used it. Further, the only reason she got a doctorate (according to Joe ‘Big Guy’ Biden’s own words in 1988) was because her ego was hurt that mail came to Sen. & Mrs. Joe Biden. Further yet, it is customary that ONLY Medical Doctors use the Prefix Dr.
Anyway, this post really isn’t about that, it’s about Google
I was searching for that video on Google with key words Youtube Tucker Carson Jill Biden, and every Google result was negative on Tucker Carlson. Every single one! So I go directly to Youtube, and couldn’t find that video on the first page – but every video from the search was of someone condemning Tucker Carlson for saying that.
The point is that those weren’t the most relevant results to my search – but is how Silicon Valley handles ALL INFORMATION dispensed to you. Same with Fascistbook. They blocked all posts on Hunter, then encouraged all Democrats to register and later to the Vote. They score all users with a “Social Score” and block Conservatives. When not blocked, their posts are dramatically limited with the number of people who will see them. If you question the results of the election — they basically call you a liar in your post with a Factcheck. Do it a couple of times and your Social Score drops like a lead balloon and you’ll get blocked.
And yet, just as the did with major league sports pimping BLM, most people just take it in the ass and support these sites with their viewership. If that’s you, don’t you dare call yourself a Patriot. I’ve replace Fakebook with MeWe. I’ve replace Twitter with Parler. I’ll be replacing Youtube – but Google has the Monopoly on data searches. Everyone is as bad, and they basically users of Google.