Sttep away from the torch!
Month: January 2021
List of Statues and Monuments Torn Down Yesterday
Not a single one! Click here for the list of Statues and monuments torn down by BLM and Antifa in 2020.
Remember When The US Would Send Election Officials to Banana Republic Nations?
What country is going to send Election Officials to black run Cities in the US like Chicago, Madison, Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Newark, Oakland…
Preparations 20:21
He hath not an AR15, take thy $600 stimulus and buyeth one. He who receiveth $1200, take thy rest and buyeth ammo.
Elect a Clown
Expect a Circus.
You never win what you don’t fight for
Stop Supporting those fighting against what you believe in. Do you acknowledge that the main steam media lies and brainwashes – yet support them by
Upside Down US Flag
During the entire Obama rein, I placed my postage stamps upside down. I uprighted them when Trump was elected. They go back in distress mode.#joebidennotmypresident
Its all about Who Counts The Votes
If you are part of the 87% of Republicans who know that Biden did not legitimately win, but the mostly black vote counters in cities
I’m Mad As Hell and Not Gonna Take It Anymore!
I mad as Hell that even though I live in a State exercising sanity, corrupt & fraudulent elections in other States is forcing me to
Trending Tag – write this down
#Joebidennotmypresident This tag is starting to trend everywhere. That to use it religiously. on Fakebook, Twitter, Parler, Mewe,… No one should accept Joe Biden as
Fulton County Vote Counters
Its not who Vote that Counts, its who counts the vote. These are the vote counters in Fulton County, Georgia. Can you imagine if two
The Double Standards of Violence
Violence from any group is wrong. Today A small group of misguided Trump Supporters (from a huge group protesting a pair of outright and in
Sold My V-Code Superbird
I bought 20 years ago on eBay for $65K and had delivered to Ken Presley at Hemityme Restorations. I picked it up in 2004. I
I’m No Governor
But I was shutting down bars Ling before the China Virus!
Who is John Galt?
If you have read Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shugged, you know who John Galt is and that America needs him Now! John Galt T-Shirts in
95-Year-Old Biker Loses License For 3 Years
I want to party with this dude!
Its not who votes that counts
It’s Who Counts the Votes!
Bigfoot & Elvis Riding The Lochness Monster
Is still more believable than Joe Biden winning the election.
Zuckerberg Wouldn’t Know Sarcasm If It Bit Him On His Vagina!
Leave it to the 20-year-old pussies with manbuns in skinny jeans to remind us that you won’t turn into a Zombie by getting a Vaccine