MoparWeb.com is a reincarnation of the domain MoparStyle.com, which was created back in 2000. I no longer have the time an energy to do the site justice, and I am entertaining all reasonable offers. In addition to great revenue opportunity through the sale of banners, it could be a great opportunity for Mopar Service or Parts Vendors to promote their business. If you know of a Mopar Club, Mopar Business, another Mopar Site, Mopar Event, Mopar Social Media Group, or a group of Mopar Enthusiasts who might be interested in seizing on this opportunity – please pass this along to them and share using one of the buttons below.
There are many options you can have your offer include:
- Just the transfer rights to the moparweb.com domain name with remaining term before renewal to your designated Registrar (I can assist if you’ve never dealt with a Registrar). Would also include the following MoparWeb Facebook Groups
- MoparWeb’s Drag Racing – Classified Ads & Discussions with 58,000+ members
- MoparWeb’s Best of Mopar Photos with 8,500+ members
- MoparWeb Classified Ads with 7,700+ members
- If you wish a forum, there are many options you can have your offer include:
- The existing board including a perpetual (use for life and transferrable) Vbulleten5 license transfer
- All current membership data, with the agreement to not sell, lease, rent or otherwise share that data with another
- All current content on the board
- Hosting Options of existing board can include:
- Creating a backup of the site which you could restore to an account of the Web Hosting company of your choice
- Leaving on the current Big Kahuna Hosting Server using the “Big Kahuna Package” for 365 days
- Support Options could include:
- None, as you can handle it all or have someone who has the experience
- 10 hours of support (through trouble ticket submission) for 365 days, tracked in 15 minute increments
- You tell me what you need, and I most likely could do it

If you want to make a reasonable offer, send me an email to (davetheoldhippie @ Gmail.com) detailing exactly how much of the above you want and don’t want, with the amount of your offer – and I’ll give it serious consideration and respond within 24 hours on if I’m interested, need more clarification, or not interested.
But wait, there’s more!
If you are not interested in MoparWeb.com, but you are interested in starting a new Mopar site from scratch, I still own the MoparStyle.com domain name – who’s recognition could give you a terrific head start.

I also have two vBulletin 5 Connect Perpetual Licenses, which I’m no longer using that I’ll transfer ownership to you for $75 less than they want for it. They charge $250 and I’ll sell for $175. If you get the “Big Kahuna” plan of hosting – I’ll even install it onto your account at no additional charge.
Finally, there are two other “Free” Open Source forums that are almost as good as vBulletin, which I can assist with installing and set up.