Nomad Internet out of New Braunfels, Texas is the biggest Scam I’ve ever been Suckered into.
In April 2021, I was looking for a good cellular Hot Spot for my motorhome when racing. Somehow I got sucked into the Nomad Internet web site. I signed up for their TMobile account. They sent me a router and it was about as slow as a 300 baud modem from the 70s. I figured maybe it was the location – as I’m somewhat in the sticks – even though my AT&T hot spot is flawlessly fast.
I am a drag racer, who races on a national circuit, and was gone for quite a few months. It didn’t work worth a damn in Atlanta, GA., St. Louis, MO, or Wisconsin, Ohio, or Indiana. It was garbage. Sites took forever with only one device — and music would stop to buffer ever ten seconds.

When I got home from months on the road – I logged onto my account to cancel. There was no ability to cancel and return on-line — it said email billing which I did. However I also noticed I had two accounts and had been billed for two accounts for three months. I only signed up for one account and only received one device. I detailed that in my message. Over the next few weeks I emailed back and forth with someone saying she was Nina. Despite detailing everything entirely – I get an email back days later with her playing stupid on the double billing. She’d tell me I have two accounts — and I’d tell her one was terrible enough and to refund be on the double billing and cancel the one I did receive. Days later I’d get an email asking for a photo of the SIMM for the device I had. I got slow rolled for weeks before they finally refunded me 2 of the 3 over bills. I email back that it was only two of the three refunded and she’s not addressed the cancel of service and stop billing me for their crap.

I get an email back saying to go on line to this link she provides, and generate a free shipping label – but doesn’t address the third overbill. I go on-line and it won’t generate a cancel and return because I’ve had service over 14 days. Meanwhile I get billed again. The phone number listed on the site says to email to the circle of slow walking that I’ve been emailing to. I tried the chat — and it took hours to get someone to say that it will take a while from him to get back with me. Now it’s time to file suit, complain to the BBB, Federal Communication Commission, Texas State Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission.