After our fearless leader soiled himself in the Vatican the other day, the #1 trending hashtag is #poopypantsbiden. The Internet has been mercifulness with the 100s (so far) of very funny memes. Adopting the most used strategy of Democrat (never let a crisis go to waste), I’ve created the Poopy Pants Biden Collection in the “Dave The Old Hippie” gift shop.
There are literally 100s of items from T-Shirts and Sweatshirts, to coffee and travel mugs, to Christmas Ornaments and wall posters. The T-Shirts and sweatshirts come in a multitude of colors and the sizes go to 6XL. Images can be move to different locations, like the back of the shirts; and background colors can be changed to any color in the entire spectrum. Below are a few examples of the thousands of options in the #poopypantsbiden Collection.