Arming the Enemy Against Us

  • Most of our Prescription drugs come from China
  • Most of our electronic components come from China
  • Most of our Lithium comes from China
  • Most of our home building supplies come from China
  • Most of our “Processed” fruit and vegetables come from China
  • Much of our meat is processed in China
  • Much of our “Farm Raised” fish comes of China
  • Most of our textiles and clothing comes from China
  • Most of our lighting products comes from China
  • Most of our pet and livestock food comes from China
  • Most of our home appliances come from China
  • Much of what goes unto our automobiles comes From China
  • Most of our medical supplies comes from China

In what bizarre reality does a people knowingly give anywhere near that much control over our basic needs to our biggest enemy? They can bring us to our knees in weeks. Food shortages. Deaths of those dependent on medicine. Work stoppage from lack of needed assembly components.

Trump saw this and was working towards changing this. The Big Guy is paid to turn his head.

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