Month: December 2022
Grandpa Just Died!
And Grandma is taking it really bad Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just died, Dixie goes to her grandmother’s house to comfort her.
Account of the Month
The Gestapo (most likely FBI Directed) at Fascistbook has deleted my account in October, and then the new account in November. I merely posted about
Fighting the Ministry of Propaganda
I’ve created a new group at Fascistbook called Deep State News. Members can post links to news stories involving the Deep State, which the MSM
Facebook’s Fascism Makes the Former Executives at Twitter Blush
Their Shadow Banning and removal of Conservatives is far worse than Twitter ever was.
Facebook is at it Again
The mere mention of Hunter’s name gets you shut down,
America Can Always Count on Its Veterans
America, not the Deep State government currently hold America hostage.
My Prediction for 2023
Pain, and lots of it. I try to be positive, but I’ve been both a medium size business owner and a stock trader since 1983.