- If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
- Obamacare will reduce the cost of your health insurance
- The Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian Disinformation
- Jeffrey Eptstein killed himself
- January 6th was an insurrection
- Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton discussed Golf and Grandchildren on the plane whil Hillary was under a DOJ investigation
- Get the Vax, and you’ll never have Covid
- No one making under $400,000 will have their taxes raised – period
- Since I took office, families are carrying less debt and have increased their savings
- Inflation is worse everywhere but here
- I am responsible for the strongest job growth in modern times
- There is no chance of a recession
- The Southern Border is secure
- Greedy Gas Station Owners made the price of gasoline increase
- Covid is the pandemic of the unvaccinated
- Wages are up and are growing faster than inflation.
The current Federal Government employs Patological Liars. The only time they will tell the truth, is those rare times when it helps them. This is not the Government if the People that the Founding Fathers gave us – but a government more tyrannical than the government the spilt blood to rid us of.
Believe nothing that any Federal Government Official tells you. It will almost alway be a lie.