When you post to a group, it is just thrown into a pile of first in and first out of all uncategorized posts.
In the case of NSS Racing, a much better way is a forum, which is organized with categories. In the Forums at NSSRacing.com/Forums there are separate categories for each of the Sanctioning Body (NMCA, Victory, NSS Bash, TDRA, True NSS…), Technical Q&A by make, classified ads, traveling to track discussions and much more.
Those Race Masters of the various organizations are encouraged to list their events in the Forum’s calendar – and will certainly help your event grow.

Posting a “Live At” discussion of an event let’s the racers know things such as what gate to enter and when, where you’ll be pitting, schedules, qualifying, the Ladder, photos, round updates and a recap after the race. The racer has one place to check on their smart phone, and they and fans are kept updated if racers at the event contribute information/photos. Racers will see that your event is the real deal and might attend the next one.
If we can get the Race Masters and other Leaders to participate with event updates, the rest of the racers will soon follow. I ask NSS Racers to please help me get this thing rolling – as it will benefit all. Please be one of the Leaders and the Followers will come.
There are no fees or advertising. I’m happily paying full freight to bring this to all NSS Racers with no other goal than to grow the class.
Please help with your support.