I’ve pretty much accepted that this election was stolen from Donald Trump by rampant voter fraud, primarily in Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona.
I’ve seen how Deep State Justice evidence is handled with Hillary’s Email as just one example. It was perfectly fine for her to Bleach Bit 30K emails, destroy phones with hammers and fire, turning their Notebooks in to the FBI with all kinds of stipulations, and their depositions not taken under oath.
I’ve also seen the fabrication of evidence like the DNC paid for Steele Report, the bankrupting an innocent man like General Flynn, and the 5 am SWAT arrest of a 75-year-old man.
Georgia’s recount is a farce, as Stacy Abram’s negotiated with the Secretary if State anonymity for Mail-in voters. Those ballots can’t be challenged as being illegal because their names can’t be disclosed. In PA and MI – evidence has been (and is being) destroyed. In the Deep State World, Destroyed Evidence is No Evidence. There appears to be no crime if you destroy evidence in the name of Liberalism.
Unlike the Snowflakes of four years ago, I won’t cry, run out in the street to scream or burn my city down. I’m 65 years old and I have accepted that there is little I can do to stop the FAST pace of America’s demise. All I can do it to try to protect what I have worked a life for. Here’s my suggestions on what smart people should think about doing.
- Stock up on Guns an ammunition now! Like all Socialist & Communist nations – they will soon become illegal. They’ve already promised you they come for them. That’s more notice than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pot Po gave their citizens. You will need them to protect your life and property when it all goes to Hell. Expect the riots to intensify, police to let much of it go, Liberals to encourage it Soros to fund it and for it to come to closer to you in the suburbs. In Texas we have an old saying “I’d rather be judged by 13 than carried by six”. Obviously the “See all – Know all” government with all of your phone conversations, your emails, your Internet browsing history, your photos from street corners and toll booths, your credit card purchase records, your bank credit & debit records, access to you wifi, to Alexa, to the camera at the bottom of your TV, your alarm system, you cameras… will know that you had bought guns. You will need to be creative with how few you keep on the premises, and how well they’re hidden from Gestapo types searches. I’m sure that those smart enough to know that their guns will be confiscated, that there will be increased violence and race wars, and someday there will be a civil war or revolution – will also have a great story of why they no longer have those guns. “I got religion and dumped them all overboard in the Gulf of Mexico”. They also have to have proper safe places for a limited amount for routine protection on premise, and an off-site place to store the rest until it really becomes showtime.
- Your Retirement. If you have a 401K or IRA you have at least one problem – it’s value. While the “experts” are telling you the economy will be stronger with all of the tax and spending of a Democrat Presidency and The House – combine with a Senate full of old Fossil RINOs – I’m betting it will be short lived. If the Georgia Senate seats are also stolen, it will crumble immediately. While you don’t have to worry about capital gains from selling positions on retirement accounts (you’re taxed as income when you withdraw) – can you can expect their value dropping like a lead balloon. You might not worrying and bet on a Conservative will be back in four years, but that’s a sucker bet. They have four years to thicken the Deep State further with more Swamp Critters. The career employees in the Justice Department, FBI, URS, NSA, CIA, DOE and DOD will be topped off with the most corrupt of all Swamp Creatures. The Mail-In Ballot Camel already got its nose under the tent – and from here forward you should trust a Banana Republic election before you trust elections in about 10, and growing number of States. The first opportunity to pack the courts with 15 Supreme Court Justices (11 to the Left of Bernie), it will be done with Communists that make Kagan and Sotomayor look like Ronald Reagan. As soon as they can make DC and Puerto Rico States – they’ll have four more forever Liberal Senators. Maybe not impossible yet, it’s at least unlikely that we will be able to reverse the move to be a Clone of Venezuela. Figure out what to do, I’ll sell all of the mutual Funds and go to cash to start. However, as a country tumbles – so does the value of its currency. I’ll need to think hard about that and how to preserve my retirement.
- Money currently invested in the stock market and Mutual Funds is going to also have the problem I stated above. The problem is that if its old money, a good percentage is going to be subject to Capital Gains Tax. That said, Democrats are certain to raise the Capital Gains tax rates much higher than currently, as they believe only the rich invest in the stock market. I intend to sell all of my positions before the market crumbles from higher taxes, more business regulations, less personal liberties and bad economic policies. I expect I’ll do half of this selling in 2020 and the other half in 2021. The slight risk to not doing all in 2020 is while the rates for 2021 is already set – its not beyond the realm of probability that they change for “Emergency Purposes” because of the pandemic.
- I’m Going to Real Estate and Previous Metals. I’d hate to be all cash if what happened to Mexico, Venezuela and Weimar German Mark happens to the dollar because too much was printed and the Deficit spirals even more out of control. Precious Metals Don’t really devalue – and actually increase in value in troubled economic times. Quality Real Estate typically won’t devalue either. Physical Gold & Silver can be distributed across various safe places – to avoid burglary and government confiscation. You say you trust the government too much to think they’d ever confiscate your wealth? Then you don’t understand the whole concept of redistribution and Nationalization under Communism. You’re most likely waiting for the day that cars run on unicorn piss and fairy farts anyway – so you won’t understand any of this. In Communism there are the connected few who will be Party Leaders and Oligarchs, but I’m on the other side of Michael Moore and Bill Gates to get to keep mine. It needs to be hidden from the government and the rioting masses hungry and broke. Real Estate can also be confiscated, so intelligent investments where the property value doesn’t decrease and taxes are low will need to be done under various shells – if you wish to preserve it from confiscation.
- I intend to get vaccinated for Covid in the second round. Not the first, but no where near the last. I’m old, but relatively healthy. Others need before me, but I’m not falling for the Liberal attacks against something promised to be 90%effective – just Because Trump busted his ass to get it done.
- I intend to buy a lot (100+) of acreage in the isolated part of the Texas Hill Country, and I’ll build my house on top of a defendable rocky hill. Am I crazy to expect that I’d ever need to defend my property? Maybe, but what what does it hurt to be far off the bus routes, where I have a great view for miles, and the only easy last 1000′ to the house is a driveway. Pretty much when the cities and suburbs are burning down and people are hungry – I’ll be out site and out of mind – with a stocked pond, ducks, chickens, deer, wild hogs, rabbits, a few goats and a root cellar full of canned goods.
- TexIt. I live in Texas. During the Obama administration there was a big push to secede and become an Independent Republic. That stopped when Trump was elected and Texans felt we were on the right path. I hope that there is renewed interest, and that we immediately start to elect people into office who stop the migration of Liberal Freeloaders to our state and to have laws encouraging the ones we have to move out. We need to work towards secession to save ourselves from New York, California and Illinois Liberalism ruling us – and ruining us as they’ve done to their states. I intend to become involved in non-radical organizations wishing to achieve these goals.
I realize 90% of you feel like I must be writing this while sitting in my basement wearing a tin foil hat – but I worked hard for what little I have – and I’m not giving it up easily. It’s the 10% or less who need to think about what I’m saying, and they need to make whatever changes they need to for their family band financial safety.