Violence from any group is wrong.
A small group of misguided Trump Supporters (from a huge group protesting a pair of outright and in plain sight stolen elections) stormed the capital building. It lasted for about 30 minutes. In that time, some windows and furniture were broken and the Police shot a woman, who most likely deserved it. She died shortly thereafter. Maybe 50 people out of 100,000 were involved in this.
In response, The National Guard was called in; the DC Mayor and Police Chief called the entire group who came to DC to protest criminals; Pelosi, Schumer and Biden made speeches blaming Trump for inciting violence; and both Trump and Pence told them to stop it and go home Peacefully – and they did. Should be end of story, except for some arrests if they can identify those would did the destruction.
However, the press will make a big deal out of these and Socialist /Cowardly Congress will use it as an excuse to introduce and pass all kinds of shitty laws.
All of Last Year
Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down entire cities for months. The Mayors told the Police to do nothing; there were very few arrests; zones were set up that Police were not allowed to go in; all Whites were called racists while most all Blacks got free pass for their crimes of looting, burning cop cars, stopping traffic, storming police stations and Federal Buildings, and burning homes; businesses were ruined, and many innocent people protecting their property or making a wrong turn down a street were murdered.
The Press stood in front of burning buildings where rioters were carrying boxes of Nikes and Flat Screens, breaking windows, and beating people and told you the “protest were mostly peaceful”. Mayors yucked it up with the protestors; people defending their home arrested; Biden said nothing from his basement bunker; Kamala started funding to bailed out rioters; all of the Black Politicians defended the rioters; the Obama’s egged them on; and the Press called the most violent of rioters “Protesters”. Trump was called a racist all year for wanting to have the National Guard quell these riots. This shit lasted all year long and race relations have been set back 150 years.
It is this type of a Double Standard that wants me to see Texas to Save Itself and breakaway from the USA. The USA has been forever lost to corrupt elections that would make Cuba blush, the Deep State, the Swamp, the politically correct, the race card players, and the Educational System. Texas should not go down with the country – but jump from the sinking ship and save itself.