This is not the same Military I served in during Viet Nam.
Author: Old Hippie
Imagine if You Will
A Place Where the Person Who Was Extorted is Arrested Instead of the Extorter
Wrecked the Texas Thug
On my third Time Trial pass, the thick rubber gasket on a Baldwin B2 oil filter push out after my launch. Oil got under the
FDIC Limits Are for Little People
I wonder if Hunter will be picking up the Big Guy’s 10% ($59 Million) from Oprah so she could keep the other (90%) half billion
Jane Fonda: Murder Pro Lifers
Jane Fonda was on “the View” last week talking about abortion rights, and Haniu Jane said the solution was to murder Pro-Lifers.
They All Want the White, Christian, Straight Male Eliminated
There is nothing toxic with Boys and Men acting like boys and men, and Girls and Women acting like girls and women. Nature had it
Fascistbook Pushing Big Mike
Many times a day, the Deep State’s Ministry of Propaganda throws the above at me to watch Big Mike’s Podcast. I need to watch that