Author: Old Hippie
Shop Reorganization
Before and after on Shop2. It was even worse last year when I had 6 cars in there. I bought 4 lifts and move them
The Deep State Owns Facebook
Virtually every time I post something about Biden, I get warned, Shadow Banned, serve hard time in FB Jail, and then ultimately my account removed.
Since the 1970’s, and especially since 2000, whites (men in particular) have been gradually disappearing from American ads, commercials, TV shows, and movies. They are
The Deep State and Your Meds
The Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) – initially proposed to curb prescription drug abuse – makes it easier for state and federal government agents to spy
Underage Hooker Shortage in Davos
Have many Liberal Elites swear that they won’t be back next year unless addressed.