I’ve got three containers of stuff (mostly Mopar parts, household from moving, Cushman…) I’ve accumulated (hoarded) over the last 40 years that I need to
Category: Business
FreeTexans.com is For Sale
The domain name FreeTrexans.com is for sale, along with the existing website and a year of hosting on a premium server. This site was set
Freestyle Business Mentoring
My name is Dave Schultz. In 1990, I started a company from scratch (No Employees – No Customers) with a $75K investment. It was profitable
Web Hosting on High Speed Server
High Speed Web hosting for small number of a very select group of experienced web masters. No throttling of resources for customers who will reasonably
Righteous Fascistbook
How us it that the Left’s Ministry of Propaganda’s Gestapo is all over real news like stink on shit for violating their community double-standards –
Let’s Hear It For Him
Him, Him, Fuck Him!
DaveSchultz.com Has Changed
Back in the 90s I wanted to learn how to build websites, so I created a website called Maniacal Ravings to be the Guinea Pig.
Khrushchev delivered his message to the UN on his prediction for America
Do you remember September 29, 1959? Now here is some food for thought if it does not make us choke! THIS WAS HIS ENTIRE QUOTE:
Traitor Explanation
What Comes to mind first? Facebook, Biden, Google, FBI…
MeWe, A Facebook For Patriots
I was pissed at Facebook with all of the Chickenshit banning without cause from being shadow banned by their little bearded, manbun ferries in skinny