Category: Business
MoparStyle’s Domain Name is now available after 20+ years
Available with a perpetual Vbulletin Connect License and a year’s worth of hosting on a fast web server. Who’s the next Big Kahuna?
Kamala Not My President
Hell, even Stevie Wonder can see that Sleepy Joe is about to be thrown under the bus and this whore will be the First Female
2021 Predictions
Assuming Biden becomes President Higher Energy Prices. All of the pipelines and fracking that made us energy independent under Trump will be killed by Kerry
Zuckerberg is Missing Some People
You’ll find me at – not on Fascistbook.
Don’t CaliFornicate Texas!
Trade Schools
Right now, with very few exceptions – like doctors, Trade Schools are giving us far more productive citizens than the brain washed going to Colleges For Sale
This going to be a premium Domain name for at least the next few years. There a variety of ways that this can be monetized.