Black Friday Sale at the “Don’t CaliFornicate Texas” gift Shop. Up to 60% off. Really Unique Stuff.
Category: Business
Are You Pissed At Facebook Yet?
Are you pissed that they spent over $500Million to influence the election? Are you pissed that they lie on their fact checking? Are you pissed
Late 40s Early 50s Cushman Scooter Frame For Sale
This is a Model 60 Step-thtough scooter frame and fork from a late 40s/early 50s Cushman. I have glass blasted it to bare metal and
Fascistbook Brainwashing Takes It Up A Notch
Facebook tweaked the News Feed to highlight more mainstream news sources after the election – Facebook changes algorithm to favor of more CNN, New York
Fascistbook Sux Club
Those following along, know that I’m “about done” with Fascistbook and their Snowflake Gestapo. I say “Almost” because I infrequently pop in to approve new
Don’t CaliFornicate Texas
This country is going to Hell with its direction coming from New York, California and Illinois. Voter Fraud and Deep State Career Employees in the