It’s Who Counts The Votes! Joe Biden Not My President Gift Shop
Category: Trump A President In Exile
Kamala’s Book is Certain to be a Best Seller
From Deep Throat to Deep State. An American Journey.
I don’t give a rats ass about your color
ITs all about how you act. If you act like a hood rat with a chip on your shoulder – I want nothing to do
Your Economic Stimulus
Is waiving you Goodbye. This is why we should have supported the Tea Party when we had a chance. It only gets worse from here.
To those annoyed by pro-lifers
It’s not us who is annoying you, its you baby-killing conscience.
In the event of a Civil War
I have no fear of the 80 Million Biden Voters. Half are dead or never existed. Civil War T-Shirt <—–Link 30% off Today with code
Even If I Saw Pigs Fly
You could still never convince me that Joe ‘Big Guy’ Biden legitimately won the 2020nPresidential Election. Never!
Hunter Biden Wetting The Beak Of The Big Guy
IF you knew about the Biden Crime Family this and still voted for this criminal – then you are the major component of what’s wrong
T-Shirts 30% Off Today
80 items in the Joe Biden Not My President Collection. Today T-shirts 30% off and everything else is 15% off with coupon code NEWYEARGOALZ
The Name China Has Given Sleepy Joe
Yup, they’re laughing at us!
Fastest Growing Group on MeWe?
Maybe Only three days ago, I mentioned that this MeWe Group had had its 500th member in just the first week. Today it crossed 900.
Free Texans!
Texas needs to save itself before it gets fully CaliFornitcated.
If you Believe the FBI, CIA & DOJ will release the truth
Then you’re gullible sheep who will stand be and accept tyranny.
If Fascistbook existed in 1776
They side with the British and their Ministry of Fact Checking would block, delete and ban as they did in 2020. Make you New Year’s
First Mystery to Prove if My Taxes are Spent on “Gender Studies”
We all know she has a bigger one than Barack!
The Democrats Don’t Deny
They just know they have the Deep State covering their fraud.
Deep State Common Sense
The Perfect Green Czar!
Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes
Just follow the Judas Goat to your demise!
History’s Most Evil Woman
Pelosi Galore wins hands down.