Category: Family
Stay Away From Negative People
They have a problem for every solution
Big Beautiful Men
are sexy too
There are only two genders
Male & Female
My Stomach is Flat
The “L” is silent.
And Just Like That
Trump Steered Dorian Away From Mar-A-Lago
Liberals Moving To Texas Could Die
Thinking about moving to Texas from California, Illinois, or New England, considered the different ways you can die in Texas. First we’re all armed, but
Just a reminder
Salem Massachusetts had “Red Flag” Laws too.
Chuck Norris was once a man trapped in a woman’s body
Then he was born.
McCarthy Wanted To Arrest All The Communists
He was right, America was being infiltrated by the Soviet Union with strategically placing Communists in Colleges, the media, and the legal system. After a
Saturdays in the 50s & 60s
Saturday morning cartoons, a huge bowl of Captain Crunch and not a care in the world.
We Don’t Need More Laws
We need to bring back family values. Frankly the governments making laws is the problem. They’ve law after law encouraging and promoting sick and depraved
She nagged me for six months
“Do something with that damn tree”
The Masculine Male Is Dying Breed
Read and see if you don’t agree.
Mr. Magic 8 Ball
Will I ever find love?