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Category: Humor
The Look From My FBI Agent
When I unlock my phone after waking up.
Veterans Watching the News
Put me in coach@
You Won’t Find Me on Facebook
However, I can be found on mewe.
Mow Like a Pro
With the 2023 Popemeister Zero Turn
He Went and Did it Now
Biden shoots down a Klingon Balloon of Prey
New Fashion Wear for California
With California no longer arresting Shoplifters of color, the new fashion statement is expandible sleeves and pant legs in closed cell rubber.
Canada Has Released “The Moose”
In retaliation for China flying Spy Balloons over their country, Canada has released The Moose. Sadly, it will take a couple of months as the
My Day is Not Complete
Until some bearded, purple hair, manbun, Transgender commie locks my account down.