Category: Humor
Goldman Sach Intorduces Occupy Wall Street Fund
GS Lloyd Blankfein letter A Letter from Goldman Sachs Concerning Occupy Wall Street The following is a letter released today by Lloyd Blankfein: Dear Investor:
It’s All About Positioning
This is the new Miss Kentucky. The picture that will stay with her for the rest of her life: Make-up and hair style ………………. $500
New Presidential Candidate
He has what appears to be what we lack in Washington
Ayman Al-Zahiri’ 3rd Wife Missing
Reports are that Ayman Al-Zahiri can’t find his third wife Byttugliest. He told her to wait for him by the trash, and when he returned
New Attack Watch Commercial
This ought to get me reported again by one of Obama’s snitches
At The Obama Family Compund At Kenyabunkport
At The Obama Family Compound At Kenyabunkport