This going to be a premium Domain name for at least the next few years. There a variety of ways that this can be monetized.
Category: Internet
Twitter, Youtube & Facebook
And this is why you’ll mainly find me at MeWe, Parler and Rumble. Wise up and stop supporting the Socialist agenda, Switch.
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Christmas, Texas, Race Car, Muscle Car, Politics, Humor, Mopar, Motorcycle, Graphic Click the like and take 2 minutes to look. You might find something you
Are You Pissed At Facebook Yet?
Are you pissed that they spent over $500Million to influence the election? Are you pissed that they lie on their fact checking? Are you pissed
Trending Hashtag
#JoeBidenNotMyPresident #TrumpAPresidentInExile They’re trending pretty good now – but let’s make them epic by using frequently. Check the exact spelling.
Fascistbook Brainwashing Takes It Up A Notch
Facebook tweaked the News Feed to highlight more mainstream news sources after the election – Facebook changes algorithm to favor of more CNN, New York
Fascistbook Sux Club
Those following along, know that I’m “about done” with Fascistbook and their Snowflake Gestapo. I say “Almost” because I infrequently pop in to approve new
Christmas Stocking Stuffers
Unique Poker Cards Many designs. Discount Coupon Posted. Click Here.
I recreated Facebook Clubs I administer, at MeWe
I’ve mostly weaned off of Fascistbook – down to maybe 15 minutes a day. I suspect I’ll be deleting my account there soon – especially