Because the media told me to.
Category: Internet
Facebook Prison Group
A place where Conservatives and Libertarians can meet while in Facebook Prison for violating the Facebook Gestapo Community Standards
Facebooks Community Standards Department
They’re to the Left of the Castros, and Jack with anyone who makes a post Conservatives would appreciate. Pure Nazis with a Gestapo community standards
The Facebook Gestapo
The Gestapo decides what posts stay, and block you from posting to any page or group if they disagree with your opinion. They then call
What Does Facebook Know About You
and who are they selling that information too? No only does Facebook do the work of the Liberal Swamp by stifling the posting privileges of Is For Sale
I’ve owned the domain name for a couple decades now, but ready to sell it to the next old hippie. is No More
Due to the lack of participation on the forum in the last couple of years, I’ve deleted the site and I will be selling the
Facebook’s Gestapo and Dave Schultz
In 2018, Facebook has banned me 11 times for 30-days. I’m seldom un-banned for more than two or three days before banned 30 days again.
Facebook Has No Sense Of Humor
Dave Schultz is banned on Facebook more often than not (9 or the last 12 months) for the most lame of excuses. Because of this
The Deep State is Watching You
I bought a bunch of Echos for my house on Prime Day. My daughter asked me if I wasn’t concerned about the Deep State, as
and now a word from our sponsor
Have your own Word Press Blog for 7 cents a day. Examples include: Includes: Latest
Will you Lose Your Internet Monday Night?
From Wired: Tens of thousands of U.S. internet users could be left in the digital dark on Monday when the FBI pulls the plug on
Sample Race Track Web Site
Sample Race Track Web Site Dave Schultz and DDS Enterprises, Inc. have been designing web sites since 1994. Today we've created a new web site
Facebook Pages
I have various pages on Facebook to help promote the sites through interaction with Facebook. Looking for Facebook to bring visitors to the sites, and
God-Bless-Texas Attention Texans: brand new site for Texans that has the goal of reporting on, and discussing, Texas News, Politics, Events, Music, Sports, Travel, or
Custom Facebook Banner
Facebook Banner Sale $49* For a limited time, the graphic department of DDS Enterprises, Inc. will design a a Custom Facebook Banner just for you.
Limited TIme Offer for Word Press Hosting
Word Press Plus Hosting Sale $149 Year* For a limited time, Big Kahuna Hosting will not only provide 1 year's web hosting with its "Deluxe
MoparWiki on Facebook
How You Like Me Now? MoparWiki has a Facebook Page at: Check it out and see what you think. Click LIKE