And Target Them For Removal
Category: Memes
Why Do I Carry a Gun?
Because Epstein didn’t kill himself
CNN Reports On Allegations
That hero dog sniffed butts in training school
Follow The Facts
and learn the truth on Trump and Clinton
Hatred against Whites is OK
If you’re Liberal
Just Remember
Everytime someone decorates for Christmas in November, an Elf Dies
Epstein’s 1969 Graduation Photo
Voted “Most Likely To Not Kill Himself”
Only When A Mosquito Lands On Your Testicles
Do you learn to solve problems without violence
She sounds Hideous
Well Epstein didn’t kill himself
If your Tub was Over flowing
Would you turn off the water before you did anything else?
House Liberals
Looking for evidence to Impeach Trump
Its Beginning To Feel Like
Epstein didn’t kill himself
Corruption Runs Deep
Creating the Deep State to protect themselves