A once powerful country who would allow their mortal enemy to: China has done everything they can to speed along our defeat, without us even
Category: JoeBidenNotMyPresident
Toxic Masculinity
Is not the real problem. It is the total lack of Masculinity from boys raised in a Liuberal Society, with at least one Liberal parent,
The Only Place in the World
Where my tax dollars should go!
If Liberals Formed a Committee to Design an RV
We’d just spend Billiins for something totally useless.
Elections Have Consecquences
Vote for stupid people and you’ll continue to get stupid prizes.
The Look From My FBI Agent
When I unlock my phone after waking up.
Deep State Government Lies
The current Federal Government employs Patological Liars. The only time they will tell the truth, is those rare times when it helps them. This is
This is Pangolin
China, The Biden Administration, Dr. Fauci, Mainstream Media all told us to not believe our lying eyes because it was this varmint that caused the
Veterans Watching the News
Put me in coach@
You Want Gun Control?
Enforce the laws already on the book.
Stolen Elections Have Consequences
Like who the leader of the Free World is
A Word For the Facebook Fact Checkers
You have proven that y’all are nothing more the than the DNC’s Ministry of Propagandaand can’t be trusted.
How’s Your Retirement Account?
The average account lost 1/4 of its valve last year. The good news is that there’s only 2 terms left for Biden, so you still
In Biden’s America
There will be no survivors