Category: JoeBidenNotMyPresident
Let’s Go Brandon
We all need to give thanks to NBC for giving us the code “Let’s Go Brandon” as the Rated G Version of “Fuck Joe Biden”
No Society Has Survived
Moochers Electing Looters To Steal From Producers
Let’s Recap Biden’s 1st 8 Months
Executive Order Stopping Keystone Pipeline, putting tens of thousands of energy workers out of work, which also doubled the cost of gas & diesel. That
NSA – National Security Agency
The Federal Government has taken away all of your rights to Privacy. Your email, bank transactions, texts, passes through toll booths, social media posts, cell
Unsolved Mysteries
Anyone else smelling a Rat on how 20,000 dirt poor people are traveling across Caribbean and the widest part of the Gulf, then crossing Mexico
Most Likely To Secede
New. Collection added to the Old Hippie’s Gift Shop. T-Shirts to 5XL, Sweatshirts, Poker Cards, Cornhole boards, posters, coffee Mugs and more. Unique gifts for
Vaccination Mandate
Biden just announced a mandate that all Federal Employees be vaccinated. Also has OSHA assigned to monitor all companies over 100 employees to either mandate
Things Americans Trust More Than Joe Biden
New in the Old Hippie’s Gift Shop
Biden, Contemplating
His next lie
Infiltration – The Communist Long Game
More people have crossed the southern border illegally this year than in the past 20 years. The $3.1Trillion bill proposes to make them all Voting
There’s a Shitstorm Coming Fast
Who remembers Dealergate, when Obama took over Chrysler to keep them afloat – and appointed a car Czar. Almost 800 dealers, who had donated to
White House Demanding Fascistbook Block Posts on Hunter
I got a 1 month triple-block today. Two were links to the Daily Mail and New York Post on the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop
When Producers Stop Producing
Today on Fascistbook, I posted “Watching news and GE increased the price of stove from $1500 to $2400 due to increased costs. Happening to everything!”