Category: JoeBidenNotMyPresident
Vacation Deal of the Century
Vacation in a Liberal Shithole like New York, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles or Seattle. 4 Nights in what was just 2-years ago a
The Old Woman and The Snake
Inspired by ignorant Biden Voters There once was a tender-hearted woman who rescued a poor, half-frozen snake from near death in the winter cold. “Take
The Deep State Wants a Cashless Dynesty
While they hide what goes in and out if their account, they’ll have total control of yours. Violate Community Standards, your account gets fined $500.
Shielding Hunter
The Deep State is shielding Hunter and Joe from Justice for their Treason. In the 1st 200 years of America, they would have been brought
Enjoy You Bowl of Bugs as Your EV takes 3 days to Charge
Unelected and not approved by Congress “Green Czar” John Kerry, who is now finished with regulations that will shut down all coal fired power plants
Financing China’s Grand Plan
We are literally financing our destruction.