For killing the Wolf, when It was the fault of the wolf for threatening the flock.
Category: Woke
Arguing with Asses
The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.” The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green .” The discussion became heated, and the two
Boy Scouts Visiting a Marine Base
This is yet another repost from this site that I made over 20 years ago, but still timeless. Marine Corps General Reinwald is planning to
Little Red Hen Revised
Once upon a time, on a farm in Arkansas, there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered
The Ant & The Grasshopper – Updated
The Ant & The Grasshopper Fable As you can tell from the names (Bill & Hillary, and Peter Jennings) — this was originally posted on
Chuck is Correct
Republicans are Spineless
Disney Buys the Rights to ‘The Simpsons’
As part of their DEI Agenda.
Enjoy You Bowl of Bugs as Your EV takes 3 days to Charge
Unelected and not approved by Congress “Green Czar” John Kerry, who is now finished with regulations that will shut down all coal fired power plants
The World’s Largest Hate Group
Democrats The Democrat Party is the world’s most successful Hate Group
Todd, The White Male Muppet
Created to take the blame for all of the World’s problems.
Financing China’s Grand Plan
We are literally financing our destruction.
Liberalism & Young Families
Mentally Ill and insecure young adults, thinking that if they participate with the brainwashing and mental instability of their children, they will be accepted as
Fixing Woke
Big American Business is falling all over itself pushing its Anti-White and Anti-Christian Agenda. Unless you just returned from a month of shooting Nakid &