Listen to Candace Owens
I’d add that Barack and Big Mike Obama started this road to hatred,
The Maniacal Ravings of Dave Schultz
I’d add that Barack and Big Mike Obama started this road to hatred,
You don’t have to be a doctor, or even smart, to see it with your own eyes.
To understanding the Illegal, Corrupt and Tyrannical the Federal Government and all its agencies have become.
One of the weak points of the wagon was the wiring. It was a combination of an 8-circuit Painless panel spliced into existing wiring from
As there is an explanation for for of the unexplainable happening in the United States.
But you’re on your own after that.
To time my next ban.
Kids cannot pretend to be and Indian, but a grown man can pretend to be a woman.
but I will
Do your Joe Biden Routine
Take a moment and think of one thing good that any of these losers did in the hundreds of combined years they’ve ruled you. Liberals
Because your government feels it is a fair trade for the 2500 Illegals who crossed the borders today. Some of them carrying enough Fentanyl to
A once powerful country who would allow their mortal enemy to: China has done everything they can to speed along our defeat, without us even
Is not the real problem. It is the total lack of Masculinity from boys raised in a Liuberal Society, with at least one Liberal parent,