Welcome to Walmart Airlines
You better buckle up as it is going to be a strange trip! The main reason I won’t fly coach is because I generally get
Obama and ACORN
Acorn Whistle Blower Two must see videos to see what we're up against.
Sponsor Report For Joliet, IL
NMCA/NMRA Super Bowl in Joliet, Il. Sponsor Report by: Dave Schultz July 16, 2012 To refresh your memory, we'd blown the new motor in
We’re From the Government — and here to help you!
Build it — and they will come and try to make your life as a businessman miserable.
Obama For Ex-President
You have reached the Chairman Obama Gift Shop — Swag center for www.ChairmanObama.com. Please take a few moments to browse our gift shop. This Month's
Will you Lose Your Internet Monday Night?
From Wired: Tens of thousands of U.S. internet users could be left in the digital dark on Monday when the FBI pulls the plug on
Obamacare Taxes Your Home 3.8%
The National Association of Realtors is all over this and working to get it repealed, — before it takes effect. But, I am very pleased
My Ca$h or Barter Web Site www.Cash-Or-Barter.com I've been downsizing my life for the last couple of years, and have done pretty well so far
At the Track for NHRA’s HRR
DiChicco and I at the NHRA’s Hod Rod Reunion in Bowling Green last month
DHS Tells Border Patrol to “Run Away”
DHS is telling the border Patrol to holster their gun and run away when confronted by an Illegal with a gun. You can’t make this