On the Road to Greece
Dave Schultz June 29, 2011 Greece is the case study of how socialism doesn’t work. The above video is of the rioting in Athens Yesterday,
3-Day Strike of Suicide Bombers
Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled
I Know Who John Galt Is
In the book Atlas Shrugged, the first page asks “Who is John Galt?” That question is asked continually throughout the book. In the third Part
Money is Evil!
The World’s Best Speech Money Is Evil? The follow in a speech given by a fictional character by the name of Francisco D’Ancondia in
Funny Reagan Joke
<center><iframe width=”500″ height=”405″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/QK3Eo9cScEQ” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe><.center>
NSS Points After Mechanicville
I’m having a terrible year. Pushed back in the Semis at Bradenton for six drops of clear water between the staging lanes and the burnout
NSS Racing in FSC Magazine
Recap of the Bradenton race in Fastest Street Car Magazine. The images below are a little too small to read — so click on them
Obama Looking For Friends
It turns out our President has his own Facebook account under one of his reported aliases. Let’s hope he’s not sending photos of his
Atlas Shrugged
My middle daughter bought me Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand last week, to read as I recover at home from an illness. Last night I
Owe on a Student Loan?
The Obama Administration Intends to Collect
NMCA Maryland Report
NMCA In Mechanicsville, MD Recap Dave Schultz 7601 Dallas Schultz 7602 June 7, 2011 The event actually started Tuesday, May 31st for Dallas and
10 Poorest Cities in America
10 Poorest Cities in America and how did it happen City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level 1. Detroit, MI 32.5% 2. Buffalo,
Texas Whale a PentaStar
Texas Whale is Mopar Muscle Magazine’s August 2011 PentaStar!
She Was Pulling On My Johnson
She Was Pulling On My Johnson
World’s Best Air Forces
I’m proud to be an USAF Veteran – 72-77
The Honey Badger Don’t Give A Shit
The Honey Badger is Badass!