Oprah Biden – Everyone Gets Free Stuff
And the pockets of politicians and bureaucrats, who hand it out, will be lined with graft and corruption. Like Obama’s “Shovel Ready Jobs” and “Cash
Bigfoot & Elvis Riding The Lochness Monster
Is more believable than Mumbles Biden winning the election legitimately. Voter Fraud!
Shop Update: Wire Looms on Wagon
Because I rave a 60 Plymouth wagon, there are no off the shelf headers, and they have to be custom made. Mine are 22.5″ tubes
Term Limits
Stop the lifetime of corruption in politics. One term and out.
Attention Moochers
Grow up a be a responsible adult!
They’ll keep lying until no one is left to listen. Stop enabling them with your watching, and cut off the advertising revenue, which us based
All Aboard To Virus Protection Camp
Showers up upon arrival!
Stupidity: Expert Level
Gotta Be Brainwashed Liberals